Internationalization Consulting

Internationalization Consulting

CR World assists both, the U.S. based and international companies who want to expand their businesses to the international markets. We help them find the optimum ways to go international.

We perform need analysis on a case by case basis by elaborating on the targets and the strategies. We investigate the capacity of firms, and look into the available resources and support programs. Based on a strategic market analysis we lay out the right options and introduce the clients to the required business networks

Upon assessing the needs in the target market we arrange B2B meetings for our clients. These include potential customers, distributors, agents, consultants, investors or any other institutions which may benefit the international business .

We help domestic and international companies develop their supplier networks throughout the globe.

We prepare market evaluation reports and technical feasibility studies on various products and services in specific markets.

We develop internationalization strategies for US and foreign companies who want to expand their business overseas and reach out to new customers in the global markets.

We assist companies with internationalization by offering soft landing services in the U.S. and by arranging B2B meetings to help them build bridges with their counterparts or clients.

We do market analysis by integrating data science with our expertise, which is based on skills, practical business experience and information from global networks.